Frequently Asked Questions

The Heartfulness Ride is a remarkable trilateral motorbike expedition, uniting the nations of Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal in a journey of cultural exchange and unity. This inspiring expedition commences at the sacred birthplace of Lord Buddha in Lumbini, Nepal, and culminates in the vibrant city of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The Heartfulness Ride signifies much more than a mere physical journey; it symbolizes the profound connections and shared values that bind these nations together. As participants traverse through picturesque landscapes, they carry with them the message of peace, harmony, and cultural understanding. This journey serves as a powerful embodiment of the enduring spirit of cooperation and friendship among South Asian countries, fostering a deeper sense of unity and collaboration among the people of these diverse yet interconnected nations.

The objectives of this expedition encompass a multifaceted approach aimed at fostering deeper connections and understanding among the nations involved. These objectives include:
  1. Promotion of Peace and Harmony: The expedition seeks to propagate the ideals of peace and harmony, both within and between the participating nations. By embarking on this journey together, the participants aim to demonstrate the importance of peaceful coexistence and collaboration in the region.
  2. Cultural Exchange: Central to the expedition is the exchange of cultural diversity. Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and heritage of each country they pass through. This exchange promotes cultural appreciation, understanding, and the celebration of diversity.
  3. Youth Engagement and Activities: The expedition places a strong emphasis on youth engagement. It provides a platform for young individuals from different backgrounds to interact, learn, and engage in meaningful activities. This empowers the youth to become ambassadors of peace and cultural understanding.
  4. Tourism: Through this expedition, the beauty and attractions of each participating nation are showcased to a broader audience. It promotes tourism, encouraging people to explore the unique landscapes, historical sites, and natural wonders of Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal.
  5. Interconnectedness: The Heartfulness Ride underscores the interconnectedness of these South Asian countries. It emphasizes that despite their diverse histories and traditions, they are united by common values and aspirations. This interconnectedness serves as a foundation for stronger diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties
  6. Community Building: The expedition engages with local communities along the route, emphasizing the importance of community building and cooperation. It seeks to leave a positive impact on the communities it encounters by promoting awareness, education, and social cohesion
In essence, the objectives of the Heartfulness Ride transcend borders, promoting universal values of peace, unity, and cultural appreciation while fostering connections between the people of Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal.

The Heartfulness Ride comprises a total of 15 bikers representing the nations of Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal. Each country contributes a team of five bikers from their respective tri forces, adding up to a core group of 15 riders who will participate actively in the expedition.

In addition to the core team, two reserve riders have been designated for each country, ensuring that there is backup support available if needed during the journey. These reserve riders play a crucial role in maintaining the continuity and safety of the expedition, ready to step in should any unforeseen circumstances arise.

The riders' nationalities span the diverse landscape of South Asia, uniting individuals from Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal. This blend of nationalities exemplifies the spirit of cooperation and unity at the heart of the Heartfulness Ride, as these bikers collectively embark on a journey of cultural exchange, friendship, and shared experiences across borders

Yes, the Heartfulness Ride places a strong emphasis on gender inclusivity and women empowerment. To ensure a diverse and representative participation, a minimum of two women riders have been invited to join the expedition from each of the participating countries - Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal.

This deliberate inclusion of women riders reflects our commitment to promoting gender equality and empowerment in South Asia. It not only provides an opportunity for women to actively engage in an adventurous and culturally enriching experience but also sends a powerful message about the importance of women's participation in traditionally male-dominated fields.

The presence of women riders on this journey contributes to a more inclusive and holistic representation of the region's diversity and talent. Their involvement not only adds to the expedition's dynamism but also serves as an inspiration for future generations, breaking stereotypes and encouraging greater female participation in such endeavors. This aspect of the Heartfulness Ride embodies the progressive spirit of South Asia, where all voices, regardless of gender, are celebrated and encouraged to shine

On average, the Heartfulness Ride participants will cover varying distances each day, depending on the specific leg of their journey within each country. Here is a breakdown of their daily distances:

In Nepal: The journey begins in Nepal with a one-day program. The day starts with the flag-off ceremony from Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha. The initial leg within Nepal covers a relatively short distance to the Indian border. However, a significant part of this day is dedicated to a broader ceremony between Shashtra Prahari Dal (SPD) and the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) at the border.

In India: The Indian part of the expedition spans approximately 3555 kilometers and spans 14 days. On average, the participants will cover about 275 kilometers per day. This longer daily distance in India reflects the vast geographical expanse and diverse landscapes that the riders will traverse, from the Himalayan foothills to the coastal plains.

In Sri Lanka: The final leg of the journey takes place in Sri Lanka, covering nearly 1000 kilometers over the course of 6 days. This averages to approximately 160 kilometers per day. The relatively shorter daily distance in Sri Lanka takes into account the smaller geographical size of the island nation while still allowing participants to explore its cultural and natural wonders.

These varying daily distances are tailored to the unique geographical and logistical aspects of each country, ensuring a balanced and meaningful experience for the riders as they journey through Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka

Crossing the Indian Ocean marks the final leg of the Heartfulness Ride, concluding the expedition in Chennai, Indian territory. The journey across the Indian Ocean from Chennai to Kankasanthurai (KKS) will be facilitated by a ship, covering a distance of approximately 198 nautical miles (equivalent to 367 kilometers).

The Indian Navy plays a pivotal role in supporting this border crossing, ensuring the safe and efficient transport of the participants and their vehicles. Their involvement exemplifies the cooperation between the military and the expedition, symbolizing the shared commitment to the success of this endeavor.

Upon reaching Kankasanthurai (KKS), a traditional naval ceremony is planned. This ceremony not only signifies the official conclusion of the Heartfulness Ride but also pays homage to the maritime heritage and cultural significance of the region. It is a fitting culmination to an extraordinary journey that spans three nations and countless cultural experiences, reinforcing the spirit of unity and collaboration that the expedition embodies

The Heartfulness Ride is scheduled to span a total of 28 days from start to finish, including both the actual riding days and additional days allocated for preparation and rest.

Here's a breakdown of the timeline:

Before the Ride: In preparation for the expedition, there will be 4 days set aside. These days are essential for various logistical arrangements, safety briefings, equipment checks, and any final preparations required to ensure a smooth start to the journey

Actual Riding Days: The core riding portion of the expedition, covering the distance from Lumbini, Nepal, to Colombo, Sri Lanka, is estimated to take 22 days. This period includes daily riding, stops for cultural interactions, ceremonies, and exploring significant landmarks along the way.

After the Ride: Following the successful completion of the expedition, there will be an additional 2 days allocated for post-ride activities, which may include debriefings, documentation, and any concluding ceremonies or events.

While the overall duration of the expedition has been finalized at 28 days, the specific start and end dates may be subject to logistical considerations and any unforeseen circumstances. Nonetheless, this comprehensive timeframe ensures adequate time for all aspects of the Heartfulness Ride, from preparation to the journey itself and the subsequent activities.

The daily program for the Heartfulness Ride is designed to be both structured and culturally enriching, ensuring a meaningful and memorable experience for the participants. Here is an expanded overview of the daily schedule:
  1. Promotion of Peace and Harmony: The expedition seeks to propagate the ideals of peace and harmony, both within and between the participating nations. By embarking on this journey together, the participants aim to demonstrate the importance of peaceful coexistence and collaboration in the region.
  2. Ceremonial Program: The flag-off ceremony will include a ceremonial program, which may encompass cultural performances, speeches, and the exchange of symbolic tokens or gifts. This program sets the tone for the day and fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among the participants.
  3. Daily Riding: Following the flag-off and ceremonial proceedings, the participants will embark on their daily riding, covering the planned distance between their starting and ending points. Along the way, they will have opportunities to engage with local communities, explore cultural landmarks, and soak in the diverse landscapes of the region.
  4. Evening Function: At the end of each riding day, there will be an evening function. These functions provide a platform for cultural exchanges, presentations, and interactions with local communities. They offer a chance for participants to share their experiences and promote cultural understanding.
  5. Sri Lanka's Unique Events: In Sri Lanka, the program will feature additional events that highlight the country's rich culture and promote tourism. These events may include visits to historical sites, cultural performances, and showcases of Sri Lanka's natural beauty
  6. Mega Music Night: As a grand finale, the expedition will culminate in a Mega Music Night. This night of celebration will feature performances by artists from all three participating countries, creating a vibrant fusion of cultures through music and entertainment.
The daily program is meticulously crafted to strike a balance between riding, cultural enrichment, and celebration. It embodies the spirit of unity, cultural exchange, and friendship that underpins the Heartfulness Ride, ensuring that each day is a unique and unforgettable experience for the participants and the communities they encounter along the way.

The program is scheduled to commence as follows:
  1. The ride is set to kick off on the 31st of December 2023 from Lumbini, marking the beginning of the expedition. On the same day, the journey will extend to India, ensuring a seamless transition from Nepal
  2. In Sri Lanka, the program will officially commence on the 15th of January 2023, marking the arrival of the Heartfulness Ride on Sri Lankan soil. The expedition's activities and events in Sri Lanka will unfold over the course of six days, with the program concluding on the 20 th of January 2023
These dates have been carefully chosen to symbolize the start of a new year, signifying fresh beginnings, unity, and the collective journey of the Heartfulness Ride towards peace, harmony, and cultural exchange across South Asian nations.

The inspiration behind planning this expedition is deeply rooted in our commitment to fostering positive change and bridging the gaps that have emerged in society, particularly among the youth, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As organizers, we have had the privilege of closely collaborating with the BIMSTEC-ILO organization, which focuses on regional cooperation among South and Southeast Asian nations. Observing the evolving landscape of human activities, we noted a concerning trend: reduced engagement in physical activities, sports, and youth-centric events. The digital age has ushered in a surge in online interactions, often at the expense of face-to-face connections and real-world experiences.

This shift in behavior has had a significant impact on human relationships, contributing to a sense of disconnection and detachment from the real world and our fellow beings. Social commitments, community engagement, and environmental stewardship have been deprioritized.

In response to these challenges, we were inspired to create an initiative that could awaken and rekindle the spirit of human connection, social engagement, and environmental awareness among the youth. We believe that there is a world beyond the digital realm, one filled with meaningful human relations, emotions, and enriching experiences. Our goal is to reintroduce the youth to this world and inspire them to actively participate in social, cultural, and environmental activities.

The Heartfulness Ride is born out of this inspiration. It serves as a tangible and transformative journey that not only brings three nations together but also reminds us all of the power of unity, peace, and harmony. Through this expedition, we hope to instill a sense of purpose and responsibility in the youth, encouraging them to actively contribute to making the world a better place for everyone.

The support extended by the governments of Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal for the Heartfulness Ride is comprehensive and crucial for the success of this event.

Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka has been actively involved and deeply supportive of the expedition. His Excellency Ranil Wickramasinghe, the President of Sri Lanka, has blessed the event with his endorsement. Moreover, the expedition has received support and encouragement from Sri Lankan Honorable Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena. Various relevant ministers and officials in Sri Lanka have been engaged to ensure the smooth coordination of the expedition. Sri Lanka, in fact, holds the honor of being the host country for this bike expedition.

The State Ministry of Sports and Youth in Sri Lanka has taken on the role of being the official partner of the event. State Minister of Sports and Youth, Honorable Rohana Dissanayake, not only holds a ministerial role but also serves as an advisor to the expedition. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed, formalizing the commitment and support of Sri Lanka. Rear Admiral (Professor) Shemal Fernando, the Director General of Sports, was the signatory representing Sri Lanka in this MOU.

India and Nepal: In addition to Sri Lanka's support, the expedition enjoys the strategic partnership of the Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka and the Embassy of Nepal. Correspondence and engagement with government officials in India and Nepal have established a framework of cooperation and support. Both nations have expressed their full support for the Heartfulness Ride.

In summary, all three governments, Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal, have provided unwavering and comprehensive support to ensure the success of this remarkable event, underscoring the significance and importance of fostering unity, peace, and cultural exchange among South Asian nations.

Certainly, let's shed some light on the three key organizations and their representatives involved in the Heartfulness Ride:

One Universe Organization, Sri Lanka: Under the leadership of Mr. Piyal Darshana Guruge, One Universe Organization assumes a prominent role in championing peace, harmony, and cultural exchange among South Asian nations. Mr. Guruge, a professional Attorney at Law and a dedicated Social and Political Activist leads the organization's mission to foster understanding and unity across borders. One Universe Organization is steadfast in its commitment to initiating positive change and building bridges of cooperation in the region.

SDS (Sarva Dharma Samvaad) Organization, India: The Indian counterpart of the expedition is represented by Mr. Rahul Patil, who serves as the Co-Convener. SDS, or Sarva Dharma Samvaad, is known for its substantial socio-political advisory role in Asian politics. Under Mr. Patil's leadership, SDS plays a pivotal role in facilitating cooperation and cultural exchange between nations. The organization is deeply committed to promoting peace and unity in the region through meaningful dialogue and collaborative initiatives.

Janakpur Round Table 33, Nepal: Represented by Mr. Aashish Jhunjhunwala, Janakpur Round Table 33 is a dynamic organization in Nepal, driven by the spirit of youth engagement and social activism. Mr. Jhunjhunwala, a young and passionate social activist, leads the organization's efforts to make a positive impact on society. Janakpur Round Table 33 actively participates in initiatives that promote cultural understanding and social development in Nepal and beyond.

Together, these organizations and their dedicated representatives are the driving force behind the Heartfulness Ride, working tirelessly to realize its vision of unity, cultural exchange, and peace among the South Asian nations of Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal


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